how to write a medical cv

How To Write A Medical CV. Updated Ultimate Guide.

Crafting an effective medical CV or resume is a crucial step for medical professionals in advancing their careers. In this updated guide, we delve into the essentials of creating a CV that stands out, combining our extensive experience with the latest trends in medical recruitment. One of the interesting aspects of medical training is that…

RACS SET interviews
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Preparing for RACS SET Interviews: Ultimate Preparation Guide 21 Tips

Preparing for the RACS SET Interview: Your Ultimate Preparation Guide to Interview Training for Surgical Specialties SET Program Selection The RACS SET Interview selections are arguably the most competitive specialty selection interviews in Australia and New Zealand with only about 1 in 4 to 1 in 5 candidates succesful each year. Having coached over 60…

trainee doctor term dates 2025
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When Do I Start? Australian Trainee Doctor Term Dates for 2025

Suppose you are a trainee doctor in Australia or perhaps considering working as a trainee doctor in Australia. You may wonder what your commencement dates are and/or when you might be changing terms. Well, wonder no more. We have compiled the Australian Trainee Doctor Term Dates for 2025 just for you. Australian doctor training and…


CME vs CPD Explained: Know the Difference for Medical Pros

CME (Continuing Medical Education) and CPD (Continuing Professional Development) are both important in maintaining a medical professional’s knowledge and skills. For medical practitioners, doing regular CME and CPD ensures that they can provide high-quality services for their patients and support their team well. CME highlights clinical knowledge and skills that are directly related to patient…

Pursuing Board Roles for Doctors: Essential Tips

Pursuing Board Roles for Doctors: Essential Tips

Board Roles for Doctors If you are a doctor considering whether a board role might be for you, or are already looking for your first board position then, you likely have some questions. Perhaps you are unsure that your experience would be valued by boards, or think that without existing board experience you would not…

Intern Doctors Australia

Tips for Navigating Your First Year: A Guide for New Intern Doctors Australia | 2024

With thanks to the contributors of the Australian Junior Doctors reddit community The beginning of each year heralds a new chapter for the new intern doctors Australia welcomes to its health care system. This exciting yet demanding journey demands medical knowledge but also a set of soft skills and an understanding of the healthcare…

junior doctor salary australia
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What Every Australian Trainee Doctor Earns. Junior Doctor Salary Guide

I often get asked about junior doctor salary rates. Personally, I hate the term “junior doctor”. Most trainee doctors I know are very mature and have often had a meaningful adult life before medicine. But unfortunately, this appears to be the most common term used for the group of doctors who are “pre-specialist”. So here…

Australian Trainee Doctor Term Dates 2024

When Do I Start? Australian Trainee Doctor Term Dates for 2024

Suppose you are a trainee doctor in Australia or perhaps considering working as a trainee doctor in Australia. You may wonder what your commencement dates are and/or when you might be changing terms. Well, wonder no more. We have compiled the Australian Trainee Doctor Term Dates for 2024 just for you. Australian doctor training and…

Surviving the Festivities: A Junior Doctor’s Guide to Working Through Christmas

Surviving the Festivities: A Junior Doctor’s Guide to Working Through Christmas

Working as a junior doctor during the holiday season can be particularly challenging. While many people are enjoying time off with their families and loved ones, junior doctors often find themselves working long hours, dealing with increased patient loads, and facing the pressures of the job. It can be difficult to maintain physical and mental…

doctors who coach

Discover 14 Doctors who Coach Doctors

Coaching for doctors or physician coaching can improve a range of skills and capabilities. Some doctors turn to coaching to improve their communication skills, to enhance patient satisfaction, and increase overall healthcare outcomes. Coaching for doctors can improve clinical skills such as challenging conversations, or delivering difficult diagnoses or discussing end-of-life care, with compassion and…

internship in australia

Medical Internship in Australia – the Case for Change

Over the next three years in Australia, some significant changes will occur to the medical training system here. One of these important changes will be to the Australian medical internship system or, more correctly, the prevocational training system. The prevocational training system in Australia covers the first two years after graduation from medical school. In…

trainee doctor term dates Australia 2023

When Do I Start? Australian Trainee Doctor Term Dates for 2023

Suppose you are a trainee doctor in Australia or perhaps considering working as a trainee doctor in Australia. You may wonder what your commencement dates are and/or when you might be changing terms. Well, wonder no more. We have compiled the 2023 Australian Trainee Doctor Term Dates for 2023 just for you. As an added…

A Guide to Medical Internship In Australia

A Guide to Medical Internship In Australia

For four years I was the Executive Medical Director at the Health Education and Training Institute of NSW. Amongst one of my many responsibilities was the oversight of the allocation of the 1000+ NSW medical internships each year, as well as governance of the accreditation and training system for medical internships and medical residents in…

general practice is in crisis
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2 Big Reasons Why General Practice is in Crisis in Australia

Over the past few weeks, there has been a number of media articles about a growing crisis in General Practice in Australia, including this informative article in the SMH. 2 significant pieces of government information landed this week which help to shine further light on why General Practice is in crisis in Australia. Tax Office…

become a nurse australia

How to Become a Nurse in Australia and What Are the Key Benefits?

Are you looking for a career in health that’s both challenging and rewarding? Whilst we primarily focus on medicine on this blog, the Nursing profession certainly fits these criteria. And we often get queries about how to become a nurse in Australia. Caring for patients and ensuring their safety and comfort are demanding tasks, But…