do doctors get paid to train
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Do Doctors Get Paid to Train in Australia? Yes, They Do.

This blog is open to comments, I also run a YouTube Channel and a Facebook group and frankly way too many other ways for people to contact me. So no surprise. I do get a lot of questions and queries on a daily basis. One of the surprisingly common and interesting questions that I do…

how much do interns make
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How Much Do Interns Make in Australia? It Depends.

We are approaching that time of the year again in Australia. The time where the majority of trainee doctors go up one step of responsibility on the ladder. It’s also the time that our newly graduated medical students commence their first paid position as a doctor. Commonly referred to as the internship. You might be…

buddy program in medicine

7 Tips for a Succesful Buddy Program in Medicine

It’s that time of the year again in Australia for the medical system. The time where around 90% of the trainee doctors in the health care system step up a level in responsibility. And it’s all done in a matter of a few weeks from mid-January to early February. This includes all the new graduated…

become a surgeon in australia
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How to Become a Surgeon in Australia. How Competitive Is It?

Of all the medical specialties surgeons have the reputation of being the most confident and competitive. At face value, these are traits you would definitely want to have for someone operating on you. So it’s not surprising that the process to become a surgeon in Australia, or gaining entry into surgical training is one of,…

Canadian doctors work in Australia

Canadian Doctors In Australia. Great Prospects. Here’s Why.

Given that doctors from Canada have the same preferred status in Australia as doctors from the United Kingdom, Ireland and the US. It’s really surprising that there are not more Canadian doctors in Australia. The same rules apply for Canadian doctors as per doctors from the above mentioned other countries. And employers are generally very…

Ikigai and Medicine

Ikigai and Medicine – Meaning and Purpose Can Be Tricky

Doctors are often put into positions that can cause them stress, burnout and depression. Many doctors will reach a stage in their career when they question their choice to practice medicine. If this sounds like you then perhaps the concept of Ikigai is worth reflecting upon. Ikigai is a Japanese word that roughly translates to…

who are the highest paid doctors in Australia?
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The Highest Paid Doctors in Australia. A Comprehensive Breakdown.

A couple of years ago I wrote this post reflecting the fact that according to the Australian Taxation office doctors are extremely well paid in Australia. This blog is both an update to that post. But also a focus on who are the highest paid doctors in Australia? This time I am going to try…

team of doctor hierarchy australia

Intern, Resident, Registrar. The Doctor Hierarchy in Australia.

Do you have aspirations to be a doctor but are only familiar with the one title – that being “doctor”? Or maybe you have previously been admitted to the hospital and befuddled by the myriad of busy staff members you’ve come across who have been part of your care? Or you might be part of…

entry requirements for specialty training
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What are the Entry Requirements for Specialty Training in Australia?

Are you a current medical student or an international medical graduate thinking about doing specialty training in Australia? The entry requirements for specialty training and how to go about applying to specialty colleges can be extremely confusing. This guide summarises the key entry requirements for specialty training and pathways for training with all 15 specialty…

AMC Clinical Exam

How to Pass the AMC Clinical Exam. First Time Success Guide.

An AMC Part 2 Clinical OSCE Examination Study Guide Imagine having spent 6 to 7 years of medical school and tens of thousands of dollars on examinations, tuition, and books in order to gain your first doctor job in Australia. Imagine doing well on all these other exams but failing in one final exam. And…

migrating to Australia as a doctor

Top 10 Questions About Migrating to Australia As A Doctor

There are two main programs by which doctors can migrate to Australia, the General Migration Stream and Employer-Sponsored Migration. The most common visa currently used for migrating to Australia as a doctor is the 482 Visa. As part of your visa, you will be permitted to bring direct relatives (e.g. your spouse and children) to Australia. The typical range of costs for an individual visa is between $2,600 and $4,000 AUD. For most of the visas used for migrating to Australia as a doctor, there is the possibility to move from a visa to obtaining permanent residency. With the 482 Visa, you can generally apply for permanent residency after 3 years.

gaps on resume

How to Explain Gaps On Your Resume. The 6 Most Common Scenarios.

This post is specifically about addressing employment gaps on your resume. There are several posts online talking about how to explain employment gaps in your resume in an interview. But surprisingly nothing of great quality about how to actually write these up on your actual CV or resume. It is critical that you do acknowledge…

medical recruitment 2021
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Medical Recruitment 2021. 7 Big Things You Need to Know.

2020 was an unusual year. That’s obviously an understatement. Despite all the pandemic concerns the need for doctors to be helped with their doctor job applications remained ever-present. Possibly prompted a little bit by the advent of video interviewing. In 2020 I clocked up 437 coaching hours, including my first group interview coaching session. This…

how to pass the amc exams

How to Pass AMC Exams – Part 1 AMC MCQ Comprehensive Guide

An Australian Medical Council Part 1 CAT MCQ Examination Study Guide. Are you wondering how to pass the AMC exams? Well. Having passed the Australian Medical Council AMC Part 1 CAT MCQ Examination in the first go, I am often asked by doctors questions like “What’s your secret?”, “How can I plan my study schedule…

Doctor from Ireland AdvanceMed

Can Doctors From Ireland Work in Australia? Absolutely. Here’s How.

Whilst doctors from the United Kingdom and India are generally more frequently encountered in Australia. It is not unusual at all to come across a doctor from Ireland who is now happily working in Australia. Whether this is for a short-term working holiday or a permanent move. As someone who has worked in Medical HR…