Standard Pathway

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  1. Hi Anthony, I am an Indian Medical graduate and would love to pursue residency in Australia. Is it possible for me to get into ENT residency? Also does failing AMC 1 or AMC 2 once make a difference in the matching process…
    Would really appreciate some insight into this query please!

    1. Hi Meghna
      All specialty training in Australia is highly competitive.
      It makes no difference if you fail an AMC exam, so long as you then pass it.

    1. Generally yes as employers have to look to give jobs to Australian citizens and permanent residents first.

  2. 2 Questions really:

    1. I’m doing my internship abroad (IMG here), is it recommended to do both my AMC 1 & 2 during my internship or is AMC 1 enough to land a job? Basically want to know if there are better chances by completing both my AMC exams before I finish internship.

    2. Also realistically how does the standard pathway look from here. Do I apply for a JMO role for 1 year so I can have a general registration? After that can I apply for a residency program? Is there a portal for these jobs like the US or do you just go apply to specific job offerings? Does the residency too have a portal or is it job specific applications?

    1. Honestly the answer to both your questions depend on a range of other factors which are impossible to get into on a comment.
      1. I recommend start applying for jobs as soon as you get your AMC Part 1. By all means try to get the Part 2 done. But getting the first job is generally the hardest part of the process. So the sooner you get started the better.
      That being said I would wait till you complete your internship first.
      2. The standard pathway process in Australia is pretty much opaque as they come. There is not specific portal like in the US.
      I’d recommend you go through my course and then perhaps purchase one of my strategy calls and I can answer any more questions you may have.

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