salary of australian doctors

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  1. Hey Anthony,

    I am very curious about the mysterious world of consultant salaries/pay; these figures seem to vary quite alot; for example in WA a Consultant Psychiatrist Yr 1 would be on a salary of $296,757K + $30,00K = $326,757 (not taking into account weekend/on call) – however the average salary (even advertised by RANCZP) is A$235,000 (almost $100k below an entry level consultant position).

    ?do psychiatrists in general not want to work full time, ?are we seeing an excess of semi-retired psychiatrists hanging around ‘dragging down the average’, ?is private work netting a significant loss but preferable to a public salary.

    1. Hi Herbert the average will be due to a range of factors including part-time work. It is definitely possible to easily achieve an income of around $400k AUD as an experienced psychiatrist working full time.

  2. Hi I’ve come across this 2021 payscale for staff specialists in NSW:

    In Schedule 1 Part B Monetary rates, it says the first year staff specialist is $174659 which is much lower than what’s stated above ($234556). Do you know by any chance why is that? According to that government document, a salary of $230000 corresponds to a senior staff specialist rate already. Would be grateful to get some clarifications please!


    1. Hello Jonathan
      You have failed to add in the 2 key allowances for Staff Specialists in NSW. Most are on a 20% Level 1 Allowance for allocating 100% of their private billing rights, as well as a further 17.4% which accounts for their on-call work.

      When you add in that additional 37.4% you get the dollar amount I am referring to.

      The Award does not explain this well. You need to look at the Information Bulletin. The current one is here

  3. Great article! Does it matter which university you graduated from to land on your first paying job?

  4. I’m quite surprised about the doctor salary in Australia. Asides that, the environment is super friendly for media doctors and health care professionals in the country. Nice article!

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