video job interview set up

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  1. Hi,
    I am sitting NSW Provisional Fellow interviews this week via video interview, and am wondering about protocols around having notes on hand to refer to/jog memory. I have not done this for face to face interviews and am not sure if it is frowned upon or welcomed?

    1. Hi Jessia, I have always encouraged clients to bring a portfolio of useful material to their face to face interview. It shows you are prepared. The same goes for video interviews. However, make sure that you are letting the panel know that you are referring to a document, such as your CV or some notes you have made about the job.

  2. Good Morning Anthony,

    I am keen on progressing. I am an IMG. For ACRRME Assessment do I require to pass any exams to demonstrate my ability to relate to and be alert of the organisation.

    I wanted some tips and some views on overseas doctors/ IMG who have difficulty understanding of what is expected out of them. Because they are brand new in the system.

    I am independent and like my freedom very much.



    1. Hi, Shamila I presume you mean ACRRM? You probably need to sit a PESCI interview. You might find it useful to connect with MedEd Experts who wrote this post.

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